• Mon - Sat: 9am - 8pm
                                                                  • (336) 617-5071




                                                                  Professional care and awesome attention to details.

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                                                                  The possibilities of a manicure are endless!

                                                                  Natural, permed, short and sassy or weave, however you choose to GLOW… We can cater to your needs.


                                                                  We are a full service salon located on UNCG campus in Spartan Village. Millennium takes pride in providing great customer service. Our professional, diverse team of stylists are here to serve.  Nail technicians will provide you with the ultimate experience. Stop in today for a free consultation.

                                                                  We want to thank you for thinking of Millennium for your hair dresses needs. When you walk in to the salon you will leave all your cares behind, as you allow our staff to spoil you. Can’t wait to meet you . Our entrance is located on Glenwood Ave, at the corner of West Gate City Blvd.

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